Discard Sourdough sandwich bread

The yummiest and EASIEST sandwich bread you will ever make!

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The journal

I love sharing tid-bits of my life, wellness, the Gospel, encouragement,
and so much more.


Sourdough Bread Recipe

Nothing is better than fresh baked bread! This is my tried and true process for making sourdough bread for my family and friends.

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Lets chat wellness with littles!

This is our regimen 365 days a year. Your wellness shouldn’t start once you're sick or not feeling well. We must prepare our bodies everyday by what we put inside them for the days we do get sick but sickness is not avoidable.

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Cinnamon Sugar & Coco Sourdough Bread Recipe

Cinnamon and coconut sugar sourdough bread is a crowd favorite in our home. It doesn’t even make it to the cool down phase before it’s gone. It’s a simple sourdough variation to add to your recipe book.

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Having Courage to Live in the Uncomfortable

The world would have us believe that our kids are a burden or a chore, but it’s simply NOT true. Children are a heritage to the Lord and it’s our privilege to lead them and mold them into kingdom minded children.

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Setting Your Day Up for Success

Having these small systems in place helps me stay on task but doesn’t overwhelm my heart with stress to complete too many thing at once.

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Sourdough Discard Banana Muffin/Bread Recipe

These are perfect easy dish for those bananas you just didn't get around to eating on time. My kids LOVE these muffins (or bread) in the mornings!

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